Monday, June 1, 2009


Today is the first day of June, and my fifth day on The first two days I had headaches and really don’t know if it was the medication or it was just coincidence. Thankfully, no other side effects so far. I still have hot flashes but that is due to being, well, menopausal, with high levels of F..S..H and low es.tro.gen…

From all the days while I tracked my cycles, when I was cycling on my own, I have come to know myself pretty well and I am able to recognize my fertility signs and at this point I don’t have any, which leads me to believe the is not doing its magic.

It seems we will need another kind of magic…

..the kind of magic that comes when you let go, count your blessings, and don’t let the circumstances define who you really are!


AwkwardMoments said...

Hoping for more magic!

singletracey said...

Here is to magic :-)